Thursday, May 11, 2006

On my way to Full AF

Well yesterday was a very busy day! When I logged in, we got started fast. First, we headed to Sea serpent Grotto to get Vaulout his ninja AF boots. Man that took forever! A coffer key just would not drop! Plus the people we were with... [sigh]. a Few kept getting aggro, so that sucks. Hmmm every hear of sneak oils??? Eventually, after about 2 hours of killing stuff, he got the key, and very shortly found the coffer. Woo hoo for him! So we get back to Jeuno, I change to PLD and we head to The Necropolis. That was an ordeal because so many people wanted to help... and everyone was in random places, so Vaul and I had to play switch-door operator for a time being.. and then finding out we had to go to Xarcabard to enter The Necropolis from a different section of Batillia Downs wasn't on the highlight of my favorite things to do. But we get there, and I get my coffer within a few minutes. Back to Jeuno. Talked to all the NPCs, then we headed to Castle Zahvl Baileys and we kill Darkspark... who also killed me and Vaulout. Ugh I hate Self Destruct! After that, we were going to try and get me mission 6-2, but it turned out I have to do 6-1 first (so much for skipping the boring ones) but Vaulout was on 6-1 so we attempted to that. Well a SMN75 and 2 level 54's just couldn't take on those skeletons. Oh well, another place and time I guess.
All in all it was a very busy night. I can FINALLY get my coffers for WHM because I finished PLD. That is my main thing now. So now there is nothing standing in my way. Ok, until another time. Happy healing!

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