Tuesday, May 09, 2006

And the leveling continues...

Well let's see. Been pretty busy this past week. On sunday, me and my fiance ran all over Vana'diel. I was able to get my AF boots (Woo hoo) and we leveled in Kuftal Tunnel. That was the best party ever. It was just a lot of fun, the members of the party got along great and we all leveled once (if not twice!).
Last night we partied again, both obtained level 53. This is officially my highest job now. It's an incredible feeling, to really really enjoy a job. I thought I liked Paladin... but I LOVE White Mage. Now the unfortunate thing is that I have my AF Hands quest flagged for PLD. So I have to get the damn coffer out of The Necropolis, kill Dark Spark... go back, get my gloves for PLD, and then flag the quest yet again for WHM and do it all over!!!!!!!! Argh!!!
Hopefully we'll level again tonight. AF can be put off for a few more levels. I hope to have most of my gear by level 58. Ok, bye bye!

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