Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Been a busy week. Vaulout and I did our first BEseiged on Friday - and man was it fun. A little laggy, but it was still pretty cool. On Saturday, we finished up on all the Al Zhabi Missions (up until assault anyway) so now we can gain xp in Beseiged. We've been leveling like crazy. I'm level 61 now, he's almost level 62. We'll be playing tonight, so most likely we'll level again. It's so cool being high up there in the levels. I feel now I can finally help with stuff. Ok, not much more to talk about. Byes!
Thursday, May 25, 2006
{/slap} {Do you need it?}
/rant on
This is from a party experience from 2 nights ago. I had to just get this out.
We had just gotten to Gustav Tunnel with the entire party. We buff up and start killing gobs and crabs. Things are going ok, then I get a tell to raise someone. I tell them to hold on, in the middle of a chain. Well, we happened to get 2 adds, on chain #3 and chain #5. (everything still went well). While killing the #5 add, I get another tell, from the same person asking for a Raise. I said "Please wait, I am in the middle of an active chain".
Finally, we finish and I tell party what's going on. Unfortunately, 2 are JP so it was a little difficult translating to them. I sneak and invis myself and head to the position. Well, on the way to the position, I get a tell from a different person asking for a raise. I ask them if they are with the 1st person that sent me the tell - they said yes. I said I was on my way.
I get there, 3 dead bodies. All /anon. They were at least 60+ because everyone had AF gear. I Raise I the rdm, who then gets aggro from a bat instantly. (he proceeds to slowly kill it) I sit and heal, then raise the next person. At this point, my party is pretty pissed because it's taking so long. I finally raise the 3rd person. Then, in say chat, I say {Reraise} {item}s {Do you have it?} They all say no. I say "Well you should consider getting them, this is very inconvenient for my party". Well one of them says to me "Sorry your highness".
o.O WTF?!?!?!
With that, I left and returned to my party... pretty miffed off because they were so rude and I had to drop what I was doing to go raise them.
Well, about a half hour after my return, one of the members that I raised decides to hang out around our party. He started following our puller, and claiming mobs before him, and then brought them back to our camp and kills stuff in front of us! And he did this - for about an hour!!!!! It was so friggin' annoying!! I use as many chat filters as possible, to cut down on lag, but all the commotion/sound/animation that this individual was causing with his mob was more than my computer wanted to handle. So I had constant lag the entire time he decided to piss off my party. Eventually, everyone in the party told him to leave. He didn't. So we moved our camp to another part of Gustav tunnel.
15 minutes later... he's back. WTF!??!?!
I'm not mentioning names, but you know who you are. One thing that is disappointing is that he is in a LS that is pretty well known, and one of our best friends is in that LS and I find that very disheartening.
Seriously, grow the hell up. It's your own damn fault for not bringing a reraise item with you, and not having a whm as well. You have no rite to disrupt my party time for your ignorance.
/rant off
Last night's party, however, was quite lovely. We've been doing a static. Me (whm/blm), Vaulout (nin/war), Thadin (blm/smn) and Forbiden (war/nin). And then we just find a refresher and another mellee. Things have been going very well. I understand how the players do their jobs now, and I know what to expect. It's hardly ever stressful - and actually quite fun.
I was worried that I would soon become bored with whm, like Vaul did. But I still really like it. It's such an awesome job, and I like when things go well. Ok...post over. Have a nice day.
This is from a party experience from 2 nights ago. I had to just get this out.
We had just gotten to Gustav Tunnel with the entire party. We buff up and start killing gobs and crabs. Things are going ok, then I get a tell to raise someone. I tell them to hold on, in the middle of a chain. Well, we happened to get 2 adds, on chain #3 and chain #5. (everything still went well). While killing the #5 add, I get another tell, from the same person asking for a Raise. I said "Please wait, I am in the middle of an active chain".
Finally, we finish and I tell party what's going on. Unfortunately, 2 are JP so it was a little difficult translating to them. I sneak and invis myself and head to the position. Well, on the way to the position, I get a tell from a different person asking for a raise. I ask them if they are with the 1st person that sent me the tell - they said yes. I said I was on my way.
I get there, 3 dead bodies. All /anon. They were at least 60+ because everyone had AF gear. I Raise I the rdm, who then gets aggro from a bat instantly. (he proceeds to slowly kill it) I sit and heal, then raise the next person. At this point, my party is pretty pissed because it's taking so long. I finally raise the 3rd person. Then, in say chat, I say {Reraise} {item}s {Do you have it?} They all say no. I say "Well you should consider getting them, this is very inconvenient for my party". Well one of them says to me "Sorry your highness".
o.O WTF?!?!?!
With that, I left and returned to my party... pretty miffed off because they were so rude and I had to drop what I was doing to go raise them.
Well, about a half hour after my return, one of the members that I raised decides to hang out around our party. He started following our puller, and claiming mobs before him, and then brought them back to our camp and kills stuff in front of us! And he did this - for about an hour!!!!! It was so friggin' annoying!! I use as many chat filters as possible, to cut down on lag, but all the commotion/sound/animation that this individual was causing with his mob was more than my computer wanted to handle. So I had constant lag the entire time he decided to piss off my party. Eventually, everyone in the party told him to leave. He didn't. So we moved our camp to another part of Gustav tunnel.
15 minutes later... he's back. WTF!??!?!
I'm not mentioning names, but you know who you are. One thing that is disappointing is that he is in a LS that is pretty well known, and one of our best friends is in that LS and I find that very disheartening.
Seriously, grow the hell up. It's your own damn fault for not bringing a reraise item with you, and not having a whm as well. You have no rite to disrupt my party time for your ignorance.
/rant off
Last night's party, however, was quite lovely. We've been doing a static. Me (whm/blm), Vaulout (nin/war), Thadin (blm/smn) and Forbiden (war/nin). And then we just find a refresher and another mellee. Things have been going very well. I understand how the players do their jobs now, and I know what to expect. It's hardly ever stressful - and actually quite fun.
I was worried that I would soon become bored with whm, like Vaul did. But I still really like it. It's such an awesome job, and I like when things go well. Ok...post over. Have a nice day.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
I got level 58 last night!!!!!! So you know what that means!!! I get to wear my Healer's Briault!!! I love it! I now look like a whitemage. I'm so excited, because while this is my highest job, I am enjoying it imensely and I can't wait to continue leveling so I can explore even more areas with Vaulout. Woo hoo! {All right!}

Monday, May 22, 2006
{Healer's Briault} {All right!}
Had busy sessions on friday and sunday. Friday we attempted Beseiged, but the server got so conjested that we got booted off and couldn't get back on. How interesting. Oh well. Sunday we partied pretty early in the day. Vaulout was able to get to level 58, I am very close to 58 - maybe about 6k or so. After our party, we went to Fe'Yin to get my Healer's Briault. Omg, we totally owned that {Bastard Sword}! Only 4 of us. Read that - F-O-U-R of us pwned it! Me 57whm/blm, Jecien(Vaulout's other char)73nin/war, Tarrent 75nin/war, and Sayt rdm/whm63. Noone died. Noone even came close to dying. It was an awesome battle, and I am now the proud owner of a Healer's Briault. I just can't wait to level now!
So tonight, we have a party planned. So far, it's Me, Vaulout, and Thadin (blm/smn). Just need 3 others. Mmmm 58 {Can I have it?}
So tonight, we have a party planned. So far, it's Me, Vaulout, and Thadin (blm/smn). Just need 3 others. Mmmm 58 {Can I have it?}
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
{Raise} II {Do you need it?}
Been a pretty busy week of leveling. Going to make this short because I have some things to do. I'm finally at level 56, and I have learned Raise II. Mmm I can't wait to try it out. It was such a great feeling getting to level 56 with Vaulout - This is now my highest job and I finally don't feel like a noob. =) Haven't done much with AF. Vaulout logged in on my char the other night and he got me my Garlaige coffer key, so it's just a matter of grabbing a few people to get my coffer chest. Sandy is in 1st place right now, so I finished up on some OP supplies quests that I hadn't yet done. Other than that, just been leveling. See ya.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
On my way to Full AF
Well yesterday was a very busy day! When I logged in, we got started fast. First, we headed to Sea serpent Grotto to get Vaulout his ninja AF boots. Man that took forever! A coffer key just would not drop! Plus the people we were with... [sigh]. a Few kept getting aggro, so that sucks. Hmmm every hear of sneak oils??? Eventually, after about 2 hours of killing stuff, he got the key, and very shortly found the coffer. Woo hoo for him! So we get back to Jeuno, I change to PLD and we head to The Necropolis. That was an ordeal because so many people wanted to help... and everyone was in random places, so Vaul and I had to play switch-door operator for a time being.. and then finding out we had to go to Xarcabard to enter The Necropolis from a different section of Batillia Downs wasn't on the highlight of my favorite things to do. But we get there, and I get my coffer within a few minutes. Back to Jeuno. Talked to all the NPCs, then we headed to Castle Zahvl Baileys and we kill Darkspark... who also killed me and Vaulout. Ugh I hate Self Destruct! After that, we were going to try and get me mission 6-2, but it turned out I have to do 6-1 first (so much for skipping the boring ones) but Vaulout was on 6-1 so we attempted to that. Well a SMN75 and 2 level 54's just couldn't take on those skeletons. Oh well, another place and time I guess.
All in all it was a very busy night. I can FINALLY get my coffers for WHM because I finished PLD. That is my main thing now. So now there is nothing standing in my way. Ok, until another time. Happy healing!
All in all it was a very busy night. I can FINALLY get my coffers for WHM because I finished PLD. That is my main thing now. So now there is nothing standing in my way. Ok, until another time. Happy healing!
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
This, That, and Thensome...
Yesterday was incredible!! Anything that could be done was done. And it's thanks to Thadin (one of my friends from linkshell). I logged in and asked him about what I needed for G2 (limit breaK) and he told me he would take me. Well, while in Xcarbard, we met up with more people who were also working on it, so we allied up with them and finished within 40 minutes! It was so cool! Plus, since we were there, he offered to take me to Fei'Yin so I could get my Teleport-Vazhl scroll. (I mean come on, I am a lvl 54 whm without the spell..) so we went, killed bats and shadows, I got my key and then found my treasure chest. Woot!!!
We got back to Jeuno, and getting a party was a lil bit tiresome. People weren't responding to tells and whatnot. Eventually we got a hold of this bard and started to form a party. We all headed to Kuftal and mutilated crabs. Everyone leveled at least once. I think we did about 8k within an hour, then exp started to slow down a little bit. Our party was awesome. Every single person! I'm going to try and remember their names. Vaulout (my fiance), Thadin, Into, Caid, Taylore, and me. Everyone did their jobs very well. There was hardly any downtime (except for some unneeded aggro from a haunt). All in all it was so fun. Me and Vaul both got lvl 54, so tonight I think we're doing some AF. Thadin offered to take me to finish my PLD hands quest (because I can't start WHM until the PLD one is finished). Woot! Ok bye bye!
We got back to Jeuno, and getting a party was a lil bit tiresome. People weren't responding to tells and whatnot. Eventually we got a hold of this bard and started to form a party. We all headed to Kuftal and mutilated crabs. Everyone leveled at least once. I think we did about 8k within an hour, then exp started to slow down a little bit. Our party was awesome. Every single person! I'm going to try and remember their names. Vaulout (my fiance), Thadin, Into, Caid, Taylore, and me. Everyone did their jobs very well. There was hardly any downtime (except for some unneeded aggro from a haunt). All in all it was so fun. Me and Vaul both got lvl 54, so tonight I think we're doing some AF. Thadin offered to take me to finish my PLD hands quest (because I can't start WHM until the PLD one is finished). Woot! Ok bye bye!
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
And the leveling continues...
Well let's see. Been pretty busy this past week. On sunday, me and my fiance ran all over Vana'diel. I was able to get my AF boots (Woo hoo) and we leveled in Kuftal Tunnel. That was the best party ever. It was just a lot of fun, the members of the party got along great and we all leveled once (if not twice!).
Last night we partied again, both obtained level 53. This is officially my highest job now. It's an incredible feeling, to really really enjoy a job. I thought I liked Paladin... but I LOVE White Mage. Now the unfortunate thing is that I have my AF Hands quest flagged for PLD. So I have to get the damn coffer out of The Necropolis, kill Dark Spark... go back, get my gloves for PLD, and then flag the quest yet again for WHM and do it all over!!!!!!!! Argh!!!
Hopefully we'll level again tonight. AF can be put off for a few more levels. I hope to have most of my gear by level 58. Ok, bye bye!
Last night we partied again, both obtained level 53. This is officially my highest job now. It's an incredible feeling, to really really enjoy a job. I thought I liked Paladin... but I LOVE White Mage. Now the unfortunate thing is that I have my AF Hands quest flagged for PLD. So I have to get the damn coffer out of The Necropolis, kill Dark Spark... go back, get my gloves for PLD, and then flag the quest yet again for WHM and do it all over!!!!!!!! Argh!!!
Hopefully we'll level again tonight. AF can be put off for a few more levels. I hope to have most of my gear by level 58. Ok, bye bye!
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
So we got rank 6 yesterday!!!! (We being me and Kanex)
It took a long-ass time to get to the Throne Room, but man, was it fun getting there. Let me tell you how fun it is to get aggro by everything, when you're only a level 50 whm. [sigh] Nothing I could do really, the leader of LS really wanted me to get Shadow Lord done, and I wasn't going to argue (heck, it's really nice when people are forcing you to get missions done) But yeah, wouldn't you know it was the damn quads that kept aggroing me, and the demons that kept aggroing the sam65. Oh well. Once we got to the Throne Room, we found out our 75nin wasn't able to get in - he forgot to talk to someone about going, so he didn't get a cutscene.. and we attempted to kill SL without a tank. The other 72whm was doing a good job, and I was doing ok, until SL one-shotted me and I dropped like a bag of potatoes. Oh well.. so by the time we were all raised (i had RR up), the tank returned, with more help and we got in and totally owned that {Bastard Sword}. SO woot! I got rank 6! And it feels damn nice. My fiancee is rank 6, so now I'm right there with him. And it's nice to have a little 6 next to my name. [/smile]
Okkies, that's it for now. Maybe we can level tonight. Level 51 {Can I have it?}
It took a long-ass time to get to the Throne Room, but man, was it fun getting there. Let me tell you how fun it is to get aggro by everything, when you're only a level 50 whm. [sigh] Nothing I could do really, the leader of LS really wanted me to get Shadow Lord done, and I wasn't going to argue (heck, it's really nice when people are forcing you to get missions done) But yeah, wouldn't you know it was the damn quads that kept aggroing me, and the demons that kept aggroing the sam65. Oh well. Once we got to the Throne Room, we found out our 75nin wasn't able to get in - he forgot to talk to someone about going, so he didn't get a cutscene.. and we attempted to kill SL without a tank. The other 72whm was doing a good job, and I was doing ok, until SL one-shotted me and I dropped like a bag of potatoes. Oh well.. so by the time we were all raised (i had RR up), the tank returned, with more help and we got in and totally owned that {Bastard Sword}. SO woot! I got rank 6! And it feels damn nice. My fiancee is rank 6, so now I'm right there with him. And it's nice to have a little 6 next to my name. [/smile]
Okkies, that's it for now. Maybe we can level tonight. Level 51 {Can I have it?}
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