Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Moving on.

I haven't posted on here in a while. Been really busy.
So having a static is great. I am very comfortable with these guys, and I even consider them friends. We just need a static refresher and we're set. Oh well.
My and Vaul are finally level 67, almost 68. We lost a lot of XP on Saturday due to the many deaths from dynamis. But that'll probably stop.... Because I left the linkshell.

I've been wanting to leave for a while; ever since the merge, the hostility and lack of respect has sky-rocketed. Now don't get me wrong, a lot of good things came out of the merger. We met some wonderful people, and I would do anything to help them out. But after last night, I have had it with inconsiderate people.
Now Vaul said I over reacted and that I can never let things go. Well I am letting this go, for good. I'm done.

It started when one of the members was spouting off his BS (as he always does). He's a sack holder; so I thought this sort of behavior was uncalled for. The long and short of it is: he doesn't respect people. I don't know how the conversation started, but I was just chatting with others about the Sun breeze Festival. As cheesy as it is, I enjoy it because it's silly and fun. You get fireworks and you can go goldfish-scooping. So I was saying how I had taken my scoop out of storage and was excited to start scooping again. Well, he went off about how stupid it is. So I replied with "That's your opinion". He continued with "No, it's a fact. It is pointless." I basically let it go... And continued to do what I was doing. Then one of the other members was complaining about merit points, and that you can't get anything after 75, etc. (He's notorious for complaining about everything) and that he'd probably quit at 75. Well, the sack-holder member (as you can see, I am leaving out names) went on to say that endgame was the best and that the only reason to play the game is to get to endgame. Well I said that I didn't even have sky access and had no interest in endgame. He went on to say that I will not go far in the game and that I should just quit now. So I said, "well, I'm having fun" and he said "your idea of fun is flawed. That is not the way you play the game." I said "Who are you to tell me how I have fun? It's a video game, I play to hang out with my friends and talk and just shoot the shit" and again he said "That's not how you're supposed to play the game. You aren't experiencing the real meaning of the game. You should just quit now because you will never amount to anything." Well that really pissed me off. (at the same time, others are arguing with him). I said "I am very happy with the progress I have made in the game. What I do is what I consider fun. What you do is what you consider fun, so let's leave it at that." And he goes on about how much he has accomplished and the goal of a game is to beat it. And other people said that you can't beat Final Fantasy. He begged to differ that you can indeed beat it. I said "There are different views on what people consider 'beating the game'. Some may think it's getting high level in crafting. Others may think it's getting rank 10 in all nations. Others may think it's endgame. It's all an opinion." and he goes "It's not opinion, its fact. You don't play the correct way." Blah blah blah. At one point he even went on to say that I need to experience real life and what am I hiding from that I have to play a video game? o.O Are you kidding me?????? WHY IS HE PLAYING A VIDEO GAME THEN???? I have nothing to hide. I play for fun. I don't have to justify myself to anyone.

And it went on like that. I probably should have just ignored him, but I was so pissed off because how he had no regard for other people in the linkshell. I said that he had to get off his high horse, that his opinion was just that : his and no one else's and he had no rite to determine how any individual has fun.

This wasn't the first time he has disrupted the linkshell. A few weeks ago, he went on about how all PC users are cheaters. I asked "how is that so?" and he said "Because you all use windowers." And I said "no, actually I don't use a windower." and he said "Yes you do, you're a PC user." I just unequipped shell at that point.

But last night was more than I could take. Should I have argued with him publicly in the shell? Probably not. But I didn't feel he had the rite to say the things he did, so I guess I basically went out with a bang. After the conversation, I told Vaul that I was dropping my pearl and moving on.
I told a few of my friends, and I think they may be moving on as well. I don't need people like that. I am sad. I have been with most of these people for over a year now. Trusts have been built and friendships have been made. But there are a few sour apples in the bunch that are really ruining the experience. I don't need stress from a video game... Isn't that an oxy moron? Stress from a video game? What the hell?? Oh well. One closed chapter in FFXI for me. Time to open a new one.

1 comment:

token black guy said...

hell yea yo i hate dingleberries like dat yo! dey iz wack n needsta be pimp slapped holla!