Friday, April 28, 2006

First of many...

So I decided to get yet another blog thingie...(like I really need another thing to preoccupy myself at work....) Anywho, I figured this would be a blog for my Final Fantasy XI ramblings. Most of time when I post in my other normal blog, people have no clue what I'm talking about.

So this will be the place where I vent, rant and tell the occurrences of my Bismarck server life.

My character is Bellemithra... I am a mithra (duh), been playing for almost a year. My fiancee got my hooked....I belong to the linkshell ShadowAssassins. Maybe you've heard of them? Maybe not? I don't care. They are an awesome group of people and I consider them my friends.
I can be pretty opinionated and obnoxious at times, so consider this a warning. Especially after I've just finished a session of gaming (a session = 3-4 hours and lots of beer)

My main job used to be Paladin, it's at 52. After a few frustrating leveling sessions, I decided to try the magery classes to learn more about hate control. Now it's a toss up between Whitemage and Blackmage. Can't decide which I like better. WHM is at 48 and BLM is at 38.

Of course I had to jump on the bandwagon with everyone else and get the expansion.. Actually I preordered mine and picked it up the day it came out. Go Gamestop! After about 2 days of downloading the update (I have a very sloe connection) I finally got to experience Aht Urhgan. Pretty neat place.... If you wanna get ass raped by a buncha fleas! Got the new jobs. Not sure if I like them or not - I think I'll wait until the commotion dies down and there aren't about 78 PUP / COR / BLU all lfp in the dunes. Anyway, that's it for now. Have a nice night and happy gaming!

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