Sunday, May 01, 2016

Wow, look at what I found!

This is copied from a document located in \Documents\Games\Final Fantasy\WHM\.

White Mage Macros

If you only knew the extent of my macros...

>.< ;

I will try to recreate them here (if my memory serves me correctly). The first line is what I named them, so at a glance when I hit my macro pallet, I see in simple form.

Alt Macros

Alt 1
/equip neck "Enhancing Torque" <me>
/equip main "Earth Staff" <me>
/ma "Stoneskin" <me>
/wait 12
/equip main "Wind Staff" <me>
/ma "Blink <me>

Alt 2
/equip main "Templar Mace" <me>
/equip sub "Numinous shield" <me>
/equip body "Noble's Tunic" <me>
/equip waist "Penitent's Rope" <me>
/equip neck "Ajari Bead Necklace"<me>
/ma "Cure II" <t>

Alt 3
/equip main "Templar Mace" <me>
/equip sub "Numinous shield" <me>
/equip body "Noble's Tunic" <me>
/equip waist "Penitent's Rope" <me>
/equip neck "Ajari Bead Necklace"<me>
/ma "Cure III" <t>

Alt 4
/equip main "Templar Mace" <me>
/equip sub "Numinous shield" <me>
/equip body "Noble's Tunic" <me>
/equip waist "Penitent's Rope" <me>
/equip neck "Ajari Bead Necklace"<me>
/ma "Cure IV" <t>

Alt 5
/equip main "Templar Mace" <me>
/equip sub "Numinous shield" <me>
/equip body "Noble's Tunic" <me>
/equip waist "Penitent's Rope" <me>

/equip neck "Ajari Bead Necklace"<me>
/ma "Cure V" <t>

Alt 6
/item "Wizard Cookie" <me>
//item "Coin Cookie" <me>
//item "Ginger Cookie" <me>

Alt 7
/recast "Erase"
/equip body "Errant Houppelande" <me>
/equip main "Templar Mace" <me>
/equip sub "Numinous shield" <me>
/equip waist "Penitent's Rope" <me>
/ma "Erase" <t>

Alt 8
/recast "Haste"
/equip body "Errant Houppelande" <me>
/equip main "Wind Staff" <me>
/equip neck "Enhancing Torque" <me>
/equip waist "Penitent's Rope" <me>
/ma "Haste" <t>

Alt 9
/equip neck "Enhancing Torque" <me>
/equip main "Templar Mace" <me>
/equip sub "Numinous shield" <me>
/ma "Regen III" <t>
/wait 1
/ma "Regen II" <t>

Alt 0
/equip main "Dark Staff" <me>
/equip waist "Hierarch Belt" <me>
/equip neck "Grandiose Chain" <me>
/wait 12
/equip body "Errant Houppelande" <me>

Ctl Macros

Ctl 1
/equip main "Templar Mace" <me>
/equip sub "Numinous shield" <me>
/equip body "Errant Houppelande" <me>
/ma "Dia II" <t>
/wait 1
/ma "Dia" <t>

Ctl 2
/equip main "Templar Mace" <me>
/equip sub "Numinous shield" <me>
/equip body "Errant Houppelande" <me>
/ma "Banish III" <t>
/wait 1
/ma "Banish II" <t>

Ctl 3
/equip main "Earth Staff" <me>
/equip neck "Yinyang Lorgnette" <me>
/equip waist "Penitent's Rope" <me>
/ma "Slow" <t>

Ctl 4
/equip main "Wind Staff" <me>
/equip neck "Yinyang Lorgnette" <me>
/equip waist "Penitent's Rope" <me>
/ma "Silence" <t>

Ctl 5
/equip main "Ice Staff" <me>
/equip neck "Yinyang Lorgnette" <me>
/equip waist "Penitent's Rope" <me>
/ma "Paralyze" <t>

Ctl 6
/recast "Flash"
/equip main "Water Staff" <me>
/equip "waist "Penitent's Rope" <me>
/ma "Flash" <t>

Ctl 7
/equip legs "Cleric's Pantaloons" <me>
/ma "Barstonra" <me>
//ma "Barwatera" <me>
//ma "Baraera" <me>
//ma "Barfira" <me>
//ma "Barblizzera" <me>

(I add replace Barblizzera with Barthundra if I have to)

Ctl 8
/equip legs "Cleric's Pantaloons" <me>
/ma "Barsleepra" <me>
//ma "Barpoisonra" <me>
//ma "Barparalyzra" <me>
//ma "Barpetra" <me>
//ma "Barsilencera" <me>

(Again, Barblindra and Barvira are added in place of another, if needed)

Ctl 9
/p {Gather together} for hugs & kisses! <call14>
/wait 4
/equip neck "Enhancing Torque" <me>
/ma "Protectra IV" <me>
/wait 9
/ma "Shellra IV" <me>

(Usually I take out the /p and the /wait if I'm in a party for a long time, just so not to annoy people)

Ctl 0
/assist "Tank name"
/equip main "Templar Mace" <me>
/equip sub "Numinous shield" <me>
/equip body "Noble's Tunic" <me>
/equip legs "Blessed Trousers" <me>
/equip waist "Penitent's Rope" <me>

This targets the mob that the Tank is dealing with. I don't bother with <bt> because way too often things can go bad if there are links.
(This is mainly my miscellaneous equip change, to make sure I have my regular gear on, in case I had done an equip change with another spell and I need to be in this stuff. This is changed often, depending on what gear I am using)

Needless to say, I blink in and out of existence constantly. I don't have -na spells in my macro pallet because I use Ctl + M to bring up my magic spell list, and I always leave selection on -na spells, so all I have to do is scroll up or down to find the appropriate one (which I do rather quickly). This also holds true for Curaga, because Curaga is only a few spells up from my -na spells.

I also don't have Job Abilities Macroed in either. I just use Ctl + J to bring up the Job Ability menu, and scroll up or down for my job abilities. Same thing for weapon skills (if I am skilling up). I just use Ctl + W.

To target party members, I use the F2-F6 keys respectively. If I am in an Alliance, I just type /ta "Name". Another thing, once you get used to using macros, you may use them less and less. I actually have been typing out all my spells, mainly due to the fact of horrible lag and my spells may not go off (this is especially true in Dynamis, Besieged, and certain HNM fights)

<t> is in all of my macros (unless it's a <me> target for self-only spells or equip changes). I don't like to use <bt> (as I said above) or <stpc> because with <stpc> you have hit enter again for the spell to go off. The only time I use <stpc> is when I am skilling up, and I am engaged on a mob, and it's not possible to use /ma "Haste" <t>. 

We have returned...

My husband were invited to a nostalgic Facebook group called "FFXI - Bismarck". And after only 1 day, we decided to try to return to the game that changed our lives forever. We're both in the process of downloading the massive updates, and my husband is trying to get his PlayOnline ID transferred to the Square Enix account, so I don't know when we'll actually get into the game.

We played this game 6+ years ago, so I don't know what we're expecting once we return. We're also married with 2 kids (6 year old daughter and 4 year old son), so our familial responsibilities cannot be jeopardized.

Mark today, May 1, 2016, that Bellemithra and Vaulout are returning to Vana'diel.